Teaching self defence techniques to children is a crucial step in ensuring their safety. As a children’s self defence specialist, it’s important to use age-appropriate methods and strategies to teach these techniques. Here are some detailed suggestions for teaching children at different age ranges:
Children's Self Defence (Ages 3-5)
# Safety Rules: It’s essential to teach children safety rules that include staying with an adult at all times, never talking to strangers, and never accepting gifts from strangers.
# Personal information: Teach children to recognize their name, address, and phone number. It can be helpful to make a game out of memorizing this information.
# Vocal assertiveness: Encourage children to yell “no” or “stop” if someone tries to touch them inappropriately. This can help them feel empowered and confident in asserting their boundaries.
# Stay near trusted adults: Teach children to stay near trusted adults when outside of the home. This can help them feel safe and secure in unfamiliar environments.
# Avoid strangers: Teach children to avoid strangers and not to accept candy or other treats from them. This can be reinforced by teaching them the concept of “stranger danger.”
# Emergency calling: Show children how to call 100 in case of an emergency. Practicing this can help them feel more prepared and confident in handling emergencies.
# Fundamental self defence moves: Teach them fundamental techniques like using their elbows and knees to strike an attacker’s sensitive areas, such as the nose. This can be taught in a fun and interactive way, such as through games or role-playing.
Children's Self Defence (Ages 6-8)
# Self Defence Moves: Teach self defence moves, such as Hammer Strike and Kicking etc. These techniques can be taught in a more structured and formal way, such as through martial arts classes.
# Situational Awareness: Teach children to be aware of their surroundings, including potential dangers. This can include teaching them to identify potential escape routes in unfamiliar environments.
# Escaping dangerous situations: Show them how to escape from dangerous situations by running away and finding help. This can be reinforced through practice scenarios.
# Vocal assertiveness: Encourage them to use their voice to assert themselves and say “no” to unwanted physical contact. This can be practiced through role-playing and assertiveness training.
# Reporting Inappropriate Behavior: Teach them to report any inappropriate behavior to a trusted adult. This can be reinforced by teaching them to identify trusted adults in their lives.
# Self Defence Techniques: Teach them self defence effective techniques to break free and escape safely such as grabs, holds, and bear hugs, etc.
Children's Self Defence (Ages 9-12)
# Self Defence Techniques: At this age, children can learn more self defence techniques, such as how to break free from an attacker’s grasp. These techniques can be taught in a more advanced and structured way.
# Scenarios Discussion: Discuss potential scenarios, such as bullying or abduction, and how to respond. This can be reinforced through role-playing and scenario-based training.
# Trusting Instincts: Encourage them to trust their instincts and take action if they feel threatened. This can be reinforced by teaching them to identify and listen to their “gut feelings.”
# Object Use: Teach them to use objects around them, such as a backpack or water bottle, as weapons if necessary. This can be taught through object-specific self defence training.
# Verbal De-escalation: Teach them to be assertive and use verbal de-escalation techniques to diffuse a situation. This can be practiced through assertiveness training and scenario-based training.
# Break Free Techniques: Children should also learn how to break free from a variety of different grabs, chokes, and other holds. This can include techniques such as the wrist grab release, the bear hug escape, or the choke release. By teaching children how to break free from different types of holds, they can better protect themselves in a variety of situations.
Children's Self Defence (Ages 13 and Up)
# Comprehensive Self Defence Training: As children enter their teenage years, they are old enough to learn more comprehensive self defence techniques. This can include learning how to use verbal communication to de-escalate a situation, as well as physical techniques to defend themselves if necessary.
# Real-life situational training: Teenagers should be taught self defence techniques that can be used in real-life situations. This can include scenarios such as being attacked while walking home from school, being confronted by a group of strangers, or being followed by someone in a car.
# Situational Awareness: It’s important to discuss the importance of being aware of one’s surroundings, including potential dangers and escape routes. Teenagers should be taught to look out for signs of danger and to always have a plan for how to escape if necessary.
# Object Use: Teach teenagers to use common objects as weapons if necessary, such as keys or a pen. By showing them how to use everyday objects as weapons, they can better defend themselves in a variety of situations.
# Practice: Encourage teenagers to continue practicing and refining their skills. Self defence techniques require practice and repetition to become second nature, so it’s important to emphasize the importance of ongoing practice.
# Setting Boundaries: Discuss the importance of setting boundaries and saying “no” to unwanted physical contact. Teenagers should be taught to stand up for themselves and to assert their boundaries in a firm but respectful manner.
Teaching children self defence techniques is an important step towards ensuring their safety, but it’s crucial to use age-appropriate methods and strategies. By teaching children self defence techniques at a young age, children’s self defence specialist can help them develop the skills and confidence they need to stay safe in a variety of situations. As children grow older, they can continue to build on these skills and develop more advanced self defence techniques that will serve them well throughout their lives.